Our mission

For people to have less trash and more treasure in their lives. 

Why bartering

Because one man's trash is another man's treasure. It might seem counterintuitive to in today's times introduce a business based on a concept that preceded the monetary system. However, we see that since those times people have lost sight on what matters; value. Instead we see overconsumption and an irrational obsession with price. And what's the fun in that?

Instead, let's get back to basics where you get rid of the things you don't want in exchange for things you do want, trash for treasure. Since, value is subjective, contextual and ever changing every trade can be an upgrade. So why bartering, well not only does it create win-win transactions, but it offers a fun and thrilling, and unexpected new way to upgrade the things in your life. Not to mention that bartering can help save the environment by reducing waste, overconsumption, and extending product life cycles. To sum up, because it is win-win-win^fun. 

Our company

We are a small team of three co-founders located in Copenhagen working hard to bring this app to life. 

Who are you? 

We are always happy to hear from people who are interested in what we are doing. Feel free to contact us if you are interested in joining the TradeUp team or to sign up as a partner organization.

We'll trade you an invite to our pre-launch event for your email address

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